SUPREME{PR} Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Reposts

Month: September 2022




#EDDYCOUP #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: EDDYCOUP Who are you? FUTURISTIC Where are you from? GERMANY ,DIVERSE How can we follow you? EVERYWHERE MUSIC GOES ON Song Title: EDDYCOUP – HIT Listen to EDDYCOUP: Source:...
Ebgb 369

Ebgb 369

#Ebgb 369 #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Ebgb 369 Who are you? I am a open mined person that want to create a totaly new style of analog sounds. Rebuild textures and reshape keys. Where are you from? I come from Belgium. I come from the time that new Beat started the...
Dennis Soares

Dennis Soares

#Dennis Soares #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Dennis Soares Who are you? A prolific composer with my wife. Thus far with 155 projects released. Where are you from? Hawaii. Slack key, pop, instrumental How can we follow you?


#yung2rod! #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: yung2rod! Who are you? i would describe myself as an artist as hard working and happy. Where are you from? i am from florida and the music is pretty good here i am in a group with my friends and we make music i am a very good...


#BiteFacebass #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: BiteFacebass Who are you? i take two songs and i make, blend and shape them in to a way to get the best of both songs to produce a better song. this is a good way of doing it because people want to hear things that are...