by SUPREME BEAN | Jul 31, 2022 | Artist Interviews
#GenX #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: GenX Who are you? Very creative I must say everything is something new Where are you from? I'm from LA county I live in Azusa and I'm and upcoming rapper it's crazy out here just want to chase a milly get out of here!...
by SUPREME BEAN | Jul 31, 2022 | Artist Interviews
#haetsu #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: haetsu Who are you? Un artista independiente que hace música undergroud variada y creativa. Where are you from? De Concepción, Chile; área donde el tipo música que hago se reproduce en poca cantidad, sin embargo; cada vez más gente...
by SUPREME BEAN | Jul 31, 2022 | Artist Interviews
#Mack Angel #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Mack Angel Who are you? A carefully crafted mix of catchy melodies and deep lyrics. Where are you from? I'm from New Hampshire. How can we follow you? Instagram, Twitter,...
by SUPREME BEAN | Jul 31, 2022 | Artist Interviews
#sethonthebeat #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: sethonthebeat Who are you? I’m a melodic rapper, who although can sing relatively well, (definitely not a SINGER singer but I can hit some notes for sure) I have a pretty noticeably auto tuned sound, just because I like how...
by SUPREME BEAN | Jul 31, 2022 | Artist Interviews
#Kvenchy #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Kvenchy Who are you? im different i really like to flow and vibe when im making music Where are you from? Im from Atlanta the music scene out here is crazy its so much talent out here How can we follow you? Ig-@1kvenchy...