#Otto Deburaux & the Clown Lounge #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Otto Deburaux & the Clown Lounge
Who are you?
It’s actually a real curse, always hearing melodies and always feeling I need to write a thought can serve well in creating content, but it is a wheel that never stops spinning. With that being said I think I was born an artist and will definitely die as one.
Where are you from?
From Myrtle Beach where there’s never been a solid music presence in my opinion. I’m trying to change some of that my contacting artists I would usually not work with to create a sound for Myrtle Beach and it’s artists. Tapping into all types of genres has been a great experience!
How can we follow you?
I’m anywhere music is streaming… most of my traffic seems to come via Spotify. A couple videos on you tube have done fairly well for a nobody like me
Song Title: Sweet Gold
Listen to Otto Deburaux & the Clown Lounge:
Source: supremepr.us/