by | May 25, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on May 25, 2024

#NNDN #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: NNDN

Who are you?

I am someone who wants to try and experiment with every genre of music in various languages. I currently have only one track but I'm gonna come up with more.

Where are you from?

I'm originally from India but I compose and produce English pop music which is totally different from the scene here and also something you should be very familiar with.

How can we follow you?

They can follow and listen to me on:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/1sEmMAbP84E0N3V6VKQiaH?si=EdL6pH4tR2OhkEAp2agg6Q
Apple Music: music.apple.com/in/artist/nndn/1562170784
Instagram: www.instagram.com/____nndn____/
Twitter: x.com/__nndn__

Song Title: Bloom

Listen to NNDN:

Source: supremepr.us/