
by | Jun 20, 2023

Published by The Supreme Team on June 20, 2023

#kensolone #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: kensolone

Who are you?

I love creativity in any form, so I admire any artists that are willing to take a risk and do something different. My lyrics typically focus on my personal struggles which have been a huge barrier for me growing up and put me in a dark place. The sound itself is a mix of all the different kinds of music I found myself obsessed with in the past. Emo rap, hyperpop, industrial, metal, shoegaze, drum and bass, dubstep; you name it. I just make what I wanna make. Sometimes I might make an instrumental, sometimes there's rapping, singing. My philosophy is that if i like my music, there will be people out there who do as well and there's no need to place restrictions on yourself. I don't believe in genres. In this streaming age everyone listens to a wide range of music, and aren't limited to their local scene anymore. I think this shows in my music. I also grew up making art and that's what I see music as: art. It's subjective, and can mean one thing to one person and something comletely different to another. One person can hate it, the other might love it. That's the beauty.

Where are you from?

I'm from Birmingham, UK. Traditionally brum has been the metal hub of the world, with artists like Black Sabatth running the scene. Rock and metal adjacent music has always been popular here at least until recently until the drill scene spread over here from London. With the scene around me, I was always bound to grow up on rock and metal and found myself really into metalcore and deathcore throughout my teenage years. However, I've always had a desire to discover music, and from what I've experienced there's not much willingness to innovate anymore in terms of music so I found myself spending hours on the internet looking at forums, blogs and spotify playlists and that's where my true love for music came. The day I heard Death Grips changed my life, and suddenly I realised there was an unimaginable amount of innovation going on outside the boundaries of my city, and country.

How can we follow you?

Song Title: icantcopeanymore

Listen to kensolone:
